
Returning to School at Innovation

Hello New Innovation Parents & Community,

We have decided the option that can ensure the safety of our entire community is to open in a fully remote model this fall. 
In making this decision, we have heard from our students, staff, families, board of trustees, authorizer,  other schools in the building and elected officials. We feel this will be the most consistent, safe educational experience that will allow us to recover from COVID-19 and accelerate all students education this year. 
We will hold virtual town halls for our families and students to weigh in on the decision prior to the start of school. 
The schedule is as follows:
Session 1- Tuesday, August 18th, 10amSession 2 – Wednesday, August 19th, 2pmSession 3 – Thursday, August 20th, 5pm
Zoom invites will be posted and shared by Monday. 
For now, please review our reopening plans below (the full plan will be posted online) and share any questions and concerns you have with us. 
Together we will recover and surge forward 
Reopening Plan:

  • School begins Online for all (we are still working on creating clear benchmarks for a move to hybrid and/or in-person instruction) 
  • School Day
    • School Calendar w/ Daily Schedule
    • First Day of school – Sept 8th.
    • Day starts at 8:30a
    • M – T / Th – F end at 3:15p 
    • Orientation to Innovation Online Community and Digital Learning for new students will happen Sept 8th – 11th. 
  • Instruction and Support
    • Every class will use Google Classroom and ZOOM. Teachers will use Calendly to set up appointments
    • Innovation will provide Wifi and Laptop access to families who request them.
    • Instruction is broken into A Day and B Day. Students will have different classes on A Days vs. B Days.
    • Instruction is broken into 90 min blocks with 30 mins of synchronous instruction per block. 
    • There are 4 instructional blocks per day. 
    • Wednesday’s include an Advisory block for all students and ends at 4:05.
    • Beginning the 14th or 21st, students will be allowed to make appointments for in-person academic/SEL supports on campus.

In Solidarity, 
Stephen Falla Riff, Executive Director
Terence Joseph, Principal
Ira Yasbin, Vice-Principal
Pablo Torres, Director of Student Affairs, Family & Community Engagement

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