College and Career Readiness- 11th Grade

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As a junior, this class helps you continue working on your writing, inquiry, collaboration, and reading. It also includes a focus on developing the college entrance essay and provides you with a better understanding of the requirements for acceptance into 2 and 4-year colleges/universities. Part of this focus will also include: college admissions exam preparation, admissions, and enrollment to college. The service project will help you learn the basics of a research paper and give back to a community.

Below is a timeline of what you should do in your junior year:

11th Grade Timeline

 SAT Preparation

A big chunk of this year will be to prepare for the SAT’s. Even though it may be stressful, it will pay off. Doing well on the PSAT’s will help you gain entry to the National Merit Scholarship. Take a look at the KHAN Academy for more test prep tools.

Khan Academy services

 Resume Building/ Teacher Recommendations

This is the last year that college/universities will be looking at your grades and what you put on your resume. It is important you continue being involved or start building your resume, not just for what you can show colleges/universities, but also to get a better sense of what you would like to do in the future. Use Naviance to help you keep track!

Resume option found on Naviance

College and Post-secondary Options Search
Pathways after high school Depending on what you want to do after high school, there are many ways to get there.

For some of you, it has just hit you that your grades may not permit you to apply to all the schools you wanted to OR what you are interested in is not offered in a traditional 4 year college or university.

Depending on your interests, you may be taking a different path than your classmates.

Below are some links to help you being your search:

1) City University of New York or CUNY– Colleges  in the city that include 2 and 4 year schools.

2) State Universe of New York or SUNY– Colleges and universities located outside of the city, but still in the New York State area.

3) Big Future by College Board- This site helps you look for colleges based on your preferences, which is not exclusive to CUNY and SUNY schools. It’s also a great website for topics like career search, finding your best fit school, finding out how to pay for college, and much more!

Certificate and/or vocational programs

Post-Secondary Options

Being First in College

Being first is not easy, but you are not the only one. Teachers in this building have also had this experience. Take a look at videos of college students that were first in their families to go to college.


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